At first I thought marketing the Jo'burg Zoo would be seemingly simplistic.
Like "We have LIONS!" or "We have POLAR BEARS!" or "We have ELEPHANTS!"
No. This couldn't be further from the truth.
I soon learned that Jo'burg Zoo's offering and challenges were far more complexed.
From permanant to temporary exhibits, to specific educational tours scaled from young child to amateur birdwatcher or animal lover,
to active participation in nature conservation, and then the seasonal activities all been marketed to the same school going children and their parents
that, visited Jo'burg Zoo twice a year, at most.
So we needed to appeal to them to keep coming back for more on very limited budgets.
To communicate the Night Tours offering, Joburg Zoo and we set out to explore a highly impactful and interactive way to maximize awareness and to encourage visitors to book a night tour. The resulting campaign, titled ‘Night Tour Shadows’, made use of bespoke foldable designs cut into posters with a call to action to shine a smartphone torch from below the folds. An installation was created at the Joburg Zoo, and schools, community centers and influencers were also targeted to interact with the posters. Our objective was to create a campaign that would impart a sense of discovery through design, when the light hits the posters, it reveals some of the nocturnal animals you will encounter during a Night Tour: the lion, the red panda, the eagle owl, and the wild dog. These animals are much more active and playful at night.